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Share Your Message with The World Volume II
A compilation of Inspiring, Informational and Educational Stories

I have joined several authors in writing a book titled,  Sharing Your Message with the World, Vol 2.  My chapter title is “God, is there a Ministry In Dance?”  My story is all about how I overcame a devastating illness with parasites through nutrition, daily exercise, rest, and dance to create heart-pumping cardio, build strong bones, rid stress, fatigue, and depression, and to rebuild my immune system.  I took my passion of working with young people helping them grow in strong character, confidence, and courtesy, and developed a ballroom dance and etiquette business. As you read my chapter you will discover some important but seldom-considered reasons why dance skills can help you age gracefully and stay youthful. Bet you hadn’t considered that Dancing can help offset dementia!

Why do people fail to live their dreams?  Is it a fear of failure? fear of the unknown? The point of the book is to help you know you CAN make a difference in your own life and in others.  What is your heart’s desire? This book will help you see how you can achieve your dreams and make your life count and bless others.  You might want to order a copy.  This might make a nice gift for a friend.


"God, is there a ministry in dance?"

While ill, I experienced total dependence upon God as I allowed Him to orchestrate my activities, my diet, and my thoughts. It was my daily seeking the presence of God and His design for my life that brought me through baby steps to start my own business. Despite never having had a business course, God directed me out of my comfort zone and into self-employment.

But how was I going to make a living from a former hobby?   I made a list of what I liked to do as an adult and as a child, my skills, my gifts, my core values. I still had a passion for working with children and teens. I wanted to do something that helped people grow in character and confidence. I’d already taught ballroom dancing as a hobby while working at the university. But now I needed more than a hobby. I needed to pay the bills. I realized that I gained much joy and satisfaction from teaching dance, so I started praying, “God, is there a ministry in dance?”


“I truly believe Susan Quiring has been anointed by God with an extraordinary ministry to partner with Him to bring beauty out of ashes, to instill confidence where there has only been fear, to foster joy and delight where there has only been shame, and to break through hard places with grace and love. I’ve seen skeptics become filled with childlike happiness at Susan’s classes. She has this unique ability to inspire young and old to do things they never thought they could do. Her story is a beautiful example of the redemptive power of God that can break into even the most difficult circumstances and bring restoration and transformation.” ~Melanie Devereaux

“It is my pleasure to acknowledge the remarkable accomplishments of Susan Quiring.  Her personal story is truly inspiring and a model for young and old to live by what you know to be true and to be willing to pursue a passion for life that God places in your heart.  Facing critical health issues, Susan relied on her faith to daily follow God’s direction in restoring her health.  As she regained her health, she wanted more than just living life.  She wanted life with meaning and purpose.  Her story shows how her passion for dance and faith in Jesus Christ have blessed and inspired young and old to embrace the things of life that bring peace, harmony and health.”  ~ Carson E. Watt, PhD


“Dr. Susan Quiring’s inspiring story shows the power that can come from a life that finds fulfillment even in the midst of adversity.  Her story is an inspiration not only to readers facing enormous changes in their own lives, but to all readers who love to hear of success redefined. ~Rhonda Brinkmann, Wordsmiths4u


“Life does not always go as expected. This happened to Dr. Susan Quiring, when she was actively pursuing a career as a university professor in education. Rather than wallow in despair and self-pity, she trusted God to show her the way to a new and powerful life as a ballroom dance teacher and etiquette coach. Her inspiring story will show readers that there is a life after adversity, if they just look in the right places and trust in God.” ~Walt Hunt



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